【Event highlights | DFA Awards 2023 Design Dialogue (Japan) – Design is… Intersection of Space and Sensation】

Thank you for joining us at the fourth DFA Awards 2023 Design Dialogue (Japan) themed ‘Design is …Intersection of Space and Sensation’.


We were delighted to have three exceptional guest speakers, Takuro YAMAMOTO, Kazunobu NAKAMURA, and Takuya WAKIZAKI, who shared their unique philosophies on designing spaces that evoke emotional responses.


Takuro YAMAMOTO, shared his inspiring projects and techniques that have made him an award-winning professional architect. Kazunobu NAKAMURA shared his passion for creating visually stunning and stage designs with Japanese aesthetics. Takuya WAKIZAKI showcased his expertise in designing wayfinding systems that enhance user experiences in various spaces.


The full sharing among these talented Japanese designers is now available in the DFA official platforms archive. Thank you for being a part of this engaging conversation on the intersection of space and sensation in design.


Video Gallery of DFA Awards: https://dfaawards.com/en/video_gallery/ 

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXprl9wdbWI


The final Design Dialogue will be held online via Zoom next Thursday, 29 June. The event will be conducted in English, featuring award-winning designers from Singapore and Indonesia sharing their unique perspectives on the theme ‘Design is… Embracing Variety, Unleashing Creativity’.


Event details: http://bitly.ws/JnUe