Get ready to gain the global spotlight with your exceptional design projects through DFA Design for Asia Awards (DFA DFAA) 2024! Seize the opportunity to gain the seal of excellence and exposure, and have the chance to exchange ideas with top industry leaders!
The judging panel of DFA DFAA 2024 assembles world-renowned professionals to continue the recognition of human-centric design. The jury are elites in the field with outstanding achievements and professional knowledge in the industry from different economies, like:
Alan Chan (Founder, Alan Chan Design Company)
Ambrish Arora (Founder, Studio Lotus)
Amy Ip (Co-founder, Co-Founder Asia Limited (CaaS))
Ashwini Deshpande (Co-founder and Director, Elephant Design Pvt Ltd)
Brandon Gien (Chair, Good Design Australia)
Chen Lu (Senior Director, Xiaomi)
Daisuke Ishii (Head of Creative Center, Sony Group Corporation)
David Lo (Creative Director, LOMATTERS)
Donald Choi (Executive Director and CEO, Chinachem Group)
Duangrit Bunnag (Founder, Duangrit Bunnag Architect Limited)
Elaine Ng (Founder, THE FABRICK LAB)
Ezrena Marwan (Co-founder, Malaysia Design Archive)
Garett Hwang (Director, UNStudio)
Henry Chu (Founder and Director, pill & pillow)
Hope Liu (General Manager, OPPO Industrial Design Center)
Jeffrey Shaw (Chair Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Kazuo Tanaka (CEO, GK Design Group Inc.)
Lee Don Tae (President, Design Strategy Center, Lotte Corporation)
Lin Cun Zhen (Vice Dean of School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts)
Luisa Elena Mengoni (Head of Asian and African Collections, The British Library)
Naoki Terada (CEO and Architect, Interoffice Inc.)
Puay-Peng Ho (Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, NUS)
Seungho Park-Lee (Assistant Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Shera Hyunyim Park (Programme Leader, MDes Smart Service Design and BA Service Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Steve Leung (Founder, Steve Leung Design Group Ltd.)
Tony Wong (Partner, IDEO)
Walter Ma (Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association)
Winnie Wan (Editor in Chief, ELLE Hong Kong)
Judging Criteria (as applicable):
(1) Creativity and Human-centric Innovation
(2) Usability
(3) Aesthetic
(4) Sustainability
(5) Impact in Asia
(6) Commercial & Societal Success
Full list of judging panel: https://dfaa.dfaawards.com/en/judging/
Submission Period: Now to 30 June (Hong Kong Time)
Entry fee: HK$2,200 per entry
Online Submission: https://dfaa.dfaawards.com/tc/online_submission/